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Create a Tag

1. Click “Settings” at the top of the screen. After you do this, you will be on the “Tags” screen by default.

2. Click “New tag”.

3. Fill out the name and description. The description is optional. 

4. Click “add an option”.

5. Type in your first option - this could be the name of the city, if you are creating a city tag.

6. Choose how you will use the tag. A “City” tag will be a location tag, so you would choose “must have” for “location” and “not used” for “screen” and “asset”.

Adding Tags

How to tag a location

1. Click “Dashboard” at the top left of every screen.

2. Click one of the locations on the left side of the screen.

3. Click “edit” on the right side of the screen.

4. Click or type the tag. Mandatory tags will have a menu, while optional tags will have a field where you can type

5. Click “Save” at the bottom-right.

How to tag an asset 

1. Click “Assets" at the top of every screen.

2. Click on the title of one of the assets.

3. Click “edit” on the right side of the screen.

4. Click or type the tag. Mandatory tags will have a menu, while optional tags will have a field where you can type.

5. Click “Save” at the bottom-right.

 How to tag a screen

1. Click "Dashboard" at the top of every screen.

2. Click on the screen you want to edit on the sidebar.

3. Click "Edit" at the top-right of the screen.

4. Click "Tags" under the screen's title.

5. Click or type the tag. Mandatory tags will have a menu, while optional tags will have a field where you can type.

6. Click “Save” at the bottom-right.

 Defining how tags will be used

Tags can be used on locations, screens and assets. They can also apply to any combination of the three. You can choose if a tag must be used, is optional or is not used on one of the three elements. 

If you choose “must have,” then each element (such as a location or screen) must be tagged with one of the options in the tag you have created. If you set a tag to “optional,” then you get the choice of tagging the element with one of the tag options. And if you set it as “not used, “ then you cannot use the tag on that element. 

You can organise your locations, assets and screens by tagging them.  You will usually tag assets and locations. 

Mandatory tag example

This organisation tags each location with its city name. The city name is a mandatory tag, because every location is in a city. 

The Queen Street branch is in Auckland. On its location page, the city tag is a menu, because the city is a mandatory tag: 

 Optional tag example

Some of this organisation's branches provide free wifi for customers. This is an optional tag because it only applies to some branches. This means tagging locations with this tag works slightly differently.

You can put optional tags in a form in the field, or click them below. Available tags will appear underneath the field. 

Once you choose your optional tag, the tag options will appear. In this case, there is only one option:

Once you click, or type "Yes," the location will be tagged with the "Free wifi" tag, with the option "yes." All screens at this location are now tagged as Auckland screens, with free wifi available. 

Using Tags

Organising and searching by tag

Tags can be used to organise and search for different groups of assets. 

Tags can also be used to organise and search locations

Using tags within your schedules and controllers

Note: This section is only relevant for Organisations that use the "Schedules" tab. Your organisation may only "Playlists". Contact Nod Support if you would like to change your account type. 

Tag can be used to restrict what is playing on screens within a zone or across different zones.

Restrict Schedule by tag

1. Go to the schedule tab, click on the schedule that you want to add a tag restriction to. Click "Edit Schedule" in the top right hand corner.

2. Add the "Free wifi" tag to the "Restrict Broadcasting by Tags" option

3. The schedule will now only play on screens or screens within the location that have the relevant tag.

4. You can also set this option on individual controllers within the "Restrict to showing where" option.

Exact match

There is also an option within a controller to require an exact match for a tag between an asset and a screen. 

1. In the schedule page click on the controller you want to edit and click edit. 

2. Add the "Content Type" tag  to the "Require exact tag match for " section

3. Add assets with the "Content Type" tag set. 

4. The "Content Type" tag on the asset with have to exactly match "Content Type" tag or tags on the screen for that asset to play on the screen.

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